MOE Financial Assistance Scheme
Ministry of Education - Financial Assistance Scheme (MOE-FAS)
The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to Singaporean students from our Government and Government-Aided Schools who need financial assistance for their studies.

Application Procedure
Application is open throughout the year. Siblings in the same school can submit all their applications using one form.
Apply for MOE FAS via eFAS or approach the school directly and submit the application form. Online submission is strongly encouraged.
Hard copy application form is required for the following scenarios.
Families with other dependents (Great grandparents, Aunties/Uncles, Cousins and others)
Family with more than 6 children in govt school
Family with more than 5 unmarried children not in govt school
Family with more than 3 grandparents in the household
Students who are ComCare beneficiaries will be auto-granted MOE FAS for 2025. There is no requirement for this group of students to apply for MOE FAS.
Supporting Documents
All compulsory documents must be submitted together with your completed application form for approval. You can refer to the attached application form (page 6 & 7) for more details.
School will request for any other documents when required for the purpose of verifying the income and other status.
Parents who would like to know more about MOE FAS and eligibility, you can visit this link
If you have any queries, please contact the school at 67788702 or