Football (Boys)
Football (Boys)
Training Days & Time:
Monday : 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm (C Div)
Wednesday: 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm (B Div)
Friday: 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm (All)
Teachers In Charge:
Mr Jason Lum (I/C)
Mr Yap Hock Heng
Mr Lee Yew Ming (Volunteer)
Vision & Mission
With the 3 As – Attitude, Attire and Attendance – serving as our core values, we strive to nurture our players to achieve excellence, not just in the sport, but also in their academic pursuit and personal lives.
Key Programmes / History
Besides our regular trainings, we also organize friendly matches and other outdoor activities like camps, and VIAs so that our players will become effective teammates and influential leaders who display resilience, sportsmanship, discipline and integrity.-
NSG 'B' Division Football Competition League 3 Finals 2nd
NSG South Zone Football Championships 2022 - 'B' Div Boys Representation